So, a couple of days after PCP, I tried to re adjust myself into a "normal" life, only realizing that it is not the same as it used to be. For example, my fingers got all puffy in the morning from the salt that I ate the previous day. It was not that salty because I cooked by myself using a moderate amount of ingredients. Behold the power of salt.
Still scared of eating lots of carbs. I'm sure my body is tend to save up lots of carbs as my DNA is programmed, which is haplogroup D, a branch originated from East Africa to Japan through Arabic peninsula and Iran over Russia. Japan had several famines in history and my ancestors survived those, remaining the memories of bearing up such hungers on the genes I inherited. There's no escape from a program called DNA, just like you can't get your perfect 6 pack if you're designed to....unless you have a plastic surgery to suck your fat to form a perfect 6 pack performed in South Korea. BTW, you can find your own DNA journey at The Genographic Project at National Geographic, which I did a while ago.
Seeing many "healthy products" commercials, such as "have this juice if you're not having enough vegetables", I just think "eat more veggies then". So many catchy copies "this makes you healthy", "this helps you to be younger". So much to sell. I'm sure it takes a great effort to consume veggies because everywhere you go, the cheap lunches you can find are mostly overloaded with carbs and fried foods. One of my friends says how come healthy meals are expensive. Somehow I see more round people in a cheap fast food restaurants. Do you see connections...? Spending on good food must be a lot less than spending on the medication which caused by eating crappy food, I assume, but people are tend to be short sighted. People can come up with so many excuses not to go for, rather than one good reason to execute it.
A TV show had a scene from Tonga that people eat ice cream on top of a loaf of bread. How many calories?? No wonder they are all large...
I now can feel my bowel movements. It's just like a baby wiggling in my tummy that I'm familiar with, but it is the bowel that's wiggling. Less visceral fat and lots of veggies made it possible, I guess.
And here're the before and after numbers:
Weight: 60.2kg -> 53.8kg
Body fat: 27.9% -> 22.5%
Visceral fat: 4.5% -> 2.5%
Basal metabolism: 1288 -> 1210
Muscle mass: 27.3% -> 29.4%
Subcutaneous fat: 20.6% -> 15.7%
BMI: 22.9 -> 20.5
Body age: 41 -> 33
I thank my husband and my kids for their cooperation and patience (!?) during the program. My husband helped me and guided me from time to time as he's done it, with an attitude of "yeah, been there, done that". As a picky eater, my daughter usually doesn't eat the most of the vegetables but helped me with eating just stems of broccoli whereas my son ate the bud part. She still asks me how come I'm not having an apple dinner. Sweet heart, these days are gone now, and I can eat a lot more now. My son keeps feeding me cherry tomato regardless my mouth is still full. And I thank Patrick! What have you done to us...:-) Also, for the PCPers in the same group, congratulations! And for those just started, keep it up! In 3 months, you'll be a totally different person!!
Just to get back to my routine, I boiled 4 broccoli and 10 eggs, and made a bowl of Tabouli with lots of cucumber and tomato with only lemon juice for flavor. Mushrooms, pumpkin, and okra are in the oven grilling. Ah, I feel comfortable seeing my fridge is filled with tapper wears with veggies.
So, what's my next endeavour will be....